Stucco and plaster jobs in progress #178

Updated April,  2024 !

Over 25 years of jobs in progress !

Stucco replaced in the Brookland area
Northeast Washington, DC

1928 house comes back to life

spray in foam insulation for stucco in Washington, DC

Holes were drilled and for spray in foam insulation. You can see the round plugs. Note the old one by sheathing put on at an angle. Boards have a gap to allow for building movement. Sure don't build them like they used to.


Leaking flashing corrected
in Southern Maryland

The flashing was leaking in Southern Maryland

The flashing was leaking on this 5 year old roof installation.

We cut off the stucco about 4 inches above the roof flashing

We cut off the stucco about 4 inches above the roof flashing to put on flashing above the old flashing. A lot of this roof leaked because the stucco was patched with EIFS and there was nothing to anchor the flashing to. Here, the flashing was put on backwards angled into the building instead of away from the building.

We made new z-flashing with a metal brake in Maryland.

We made new z-flashing with a metal brake. The z shaped flashing is like putting a roof over the old flashing.

drainage gap for water that penetrates the stucco to exit over the flashing.

We left a drainage gap for water that penetrates the stucco to exit over the flashing.

The chimneys from 1850 were used to heat the sanctuary.

The chimneys from 1850 were used to heat the sanctuary. We re-did the chimneys without breaking the old chimney pots.

A view of our finished addition in Middleburg, Virginia.

The window sills were my idea. They deflect water away from the wall, and cover the horizontal edge of the stucco.

Stucco replaced in the Crestwood area
Washington, DC

1922 stucco was lime and sand (not cement) on wood lath in Washington, DC

1922 stucco was lime and sand (not cement) on wood lath. It needed replacement.

Finished stucco wall in Washington, DC.

Finished wall.

Dash on stucco finish in Washington, DC

Dash on finish like the old wall.

A close up of the ledger flashing.

A close up of the ledger flashing and the flashing we made for under the sliding door.

Leaky windows fixed
in Washington, DC

We cut the stucco off above the window to put flashing over the window in Washington, DC.

We cut the stucco off above the window to put flashing over the window.

lack of flashing over the window causes damage under the window

More photographic proof that lack of flashing over the window causes damage under the window.

Please check back. Thanks so much for visiting my site.