Jobs in progress-updated October 20, 2001

Stucco addition in Washington, DC
Stucco addition in Arlington,VA

stucco texture Finish is a natural color using two colors of sand
Finish is applied on Ann's house in Washington, DC (see last update). Finish is applied in two steps, a scratch coat and the texture. The architect liked Carlos' texture better than mine, so he did the texture. An attractive stucco addition in Arlington,VA. Finish is a natural color
using two colors of sand.

Pediments on a new house
Upperville, Virginia

Color portland cement finish spanish texture
We did 7 pediments Top left:
Color portland cement finish is applied on this
multi-million dollar house.

Top right:
A close up of the spanish texture made to
match the sample I made back in July.

We did 7 pediments (triangles), and the rest of the
house was stone.

A pop up addition in
Alexandria, Virginia

Color finish, real portland cement and real sand What is a ground ?
pop-up addition
Color finish, real portland cement and real sand, is applied to this pop-up addition.
Q: What is a ground ?
The ground is a nailer set to the thickness
of the stucco(or plaster). Here a 3/4" wood
strip is nailed around the window. This does
two things: 
1. It establishes the thickness of the
stucco, 3/4", and gives us a straight line to
work to.
2. It gives a nailing surface to nail the wood
trim so the stucco doesn't have to be drilled first.
Brown coat is rodded off (straightened) and
1/8" to 1/4" is allowed for the finish coat.
This makes sure the finish joins flush with
the nailer and the trim lays flat. The trim will be slightly wider than the ground

Two more additions

tearing off the tyvek where we tore off the tyvek
We're tearing off the tyvek to put on tarpaper
in Bethesda, Maryland
Another addition in Alexandria where we tore off the tyvek