Face lift in the suburbs

We stuccoed the back of this house 3 years ago house originally belonged to Russ Grimm.
We stuccoed the back of this house 3 years ago.
Click here to see what we did then.
The top floor sides and front had celotex painted to  look like stucco. The tudor boards are 1 by 4's nailed on.
This house originally belonged to Russ Grimm,
the ex-Redskin. Here tudor boards are stripped off. We nailed tarpaper and metal lath over the celotex.
counter flashing and kick out counter flashing
Photo shows the counter flashing and kick out flashing we put on. The counter flashing deflects water from the step flashing. The kick out flashing diverts water into the gutter. Another view of the counter flashing. For more about counter flashing click here. This is a roof on this same house.
black paper Matching the color
Here is a view of the work we did 3 years ago.
The new area has black paper. The band had to be extended on both sides.
Matching the color wasn't hard using La Habra 
colors, but the band was a custom color I made
using black paint colorants. After 2 attempts the new band matches the old. If you saw the band we did in 2002, click here, it was scored to replicate stones, or blocks.
keystone Keystone
Easy keystone was done by applying tape, filling with sandstone color finish, and then pulling off the tape. Keystone is done with wall color.
jack arches Heat pump tents
Later, the jack arches are finished with the same grey we used on the bands.  Note how the stucco color on the keystones blend with the old keystones on the masonry. The idea is the appearance that the house might have been built this way. Heat pump tents keep falling mortar off of heat pumps.
historic house We used a lot of plastic to cover the bricks.

This is probably a historic house seeing how a
famous person lived here.